Peanut Butter and Honey

what i love about life!

Monday, February 28, 2011

And the award goes to....

This past Sunday was the Oscars. One of my favorite things about my friends is our mutual love of theme parties! And yes, we can apply a theme party to almost anything....even the Oscars. For the second year in a row a few of us got together to watch the award show. Of course, we had to be in costume! So the idea was to dress as a character that is
nominated or from a nominated movie.

This Oscar party was complete with a red carpet, paparazzi, best costume award, award for the most correct guesses of Oscar winners, and movie themed snacks.

Me as The Fighter (do I look tough enough?)

Black Swan, White Swan (who also won best costume)

The True Grits

The Hikers

A little action shot of me taking out 'Rooster'

Believe it or not, I actually won the best guesser award. There was a four way tie...the tie breaker was to guess the color of Anne Hathaway's last dress. Yep, that's right...I chose black. Maybe I should head to Vegas!!??

Katie came as the Rabbit Hole (even though no one knew what that movie was about)

As always, I had a blast! I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sew-turday, mixed tape, and heytell mania!

Saturday was quite a busy day! My friend Frances and I decided a few weeks ago that we needed to have a sewing day (trust me, this is not as nerdy as it sounds). Since I have this new resolution (read the previous post if you are feeling a little lost), I really needed to get a move on some serious gift making. Frances, also a sewer, has a much bigger place with a huge dining room table...great for sewing and pattern cutting. Plus it is always good to have a little moral support to help figure out the directions or calm you down when you are pulling out yet another seam! So this week was our first sewing Saturday, or Sew-turday (which was named by my friend Will...but more on that later). We did some great work! Frances made a dress for her niece while I worked on a top secret project for one of my dearest friends.

This is part of Frances' project. I am sorry I didn't take a picture of the almost finished product. It was adorable!

Of course, we needed a little afternoon break!

The day finished off with a little birthday celebration for my friend Daniel. Everyone was excited to welcome Daniel into the thirties! It was at this dinner that I learned of an extremely fun app called Heytell. I'm not really sure how to explain it....but just think about sending a brief voice message by pressing one button on the app. Needless to say we had a great time playing around and sending fun messages across the bar!

Daniel with all the girls.
I love this group of girls and cherish the times (some as far back as college) we have shared together!

Now back to the naming of sew-turday... I am a big fan of naming events, groups, etc. (and yes, that IS as nerdy as it sounds). A few of these include the DFC, DBC, and Cages...I also love to give nicknames (but I think I got this from my mom because she does it too). So needless to say I was excited about Sewing Saturday (the original name). My friend Will (pal Rachel's hubby) informed me at craft night that alliteration is "so over". His remark immediately reminded me of this clip from an episode Portlandia that I watched.

And the best part is Will could totally pull off the bike messenger character!
Happy Monday!

A new year's resolution

I recently decided on a resolution...kinda like the ones people choose back in January for the new year. And since my birthday is really the beginning of a new year (for me!), I think this qualifies as my own new year's resolution. So this year (drum roll please...) my resolution is to be more that broad enough for ya? :) Exactly spelling that out, well that is where the wiggle room comes into play. My thoughts are to apply this intentionality to my time, money, and relationships with others. So far I'm doing ok with time and relationships...the money thing is a bit trickier because I am a girl who loves to shop (but hopefully the more intentional I am with time and relationships there will be less time to shop)!

As a result of this resolution, I have decided to give handmade gifts to all my family and friends over the next year. When I started thinking about this a few weeks ago, it didn't seem like it would be too difficult. I mean, how much fun to find different projects individually chosen and made with love for my friends and family (that just screams intentionality!). But long the list has gotten and how quickly these events (birthdays, baby showers, wedding showers) have arrived.

Still, I have not decided to abandon my cause :) And the best part will be getting to share these projects on my blog. Unfortunately I won't be able to share the projects until after the event. Right now I am busily working on two projects, one is adorable, and one has become quite a mess. But I must leave you hanging with that for now...check back for the finished project in the next few weeks.

Oh and I would love suggestions for cute (EASY) handmade gifts, especially for guys. My dad and brother are extremely difficult to shop for already!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Craft Night!

Last night was craft night with pal Rachel. We typically take turns choosing what craft we attempt to create. This week it was my turn. I came across this tutorial the other day and fell in love with all the possibilities of the fabric flower!

This is the beginning... a scrap of fabric....

Add some hot glue and do some twisting and ta-da.....
a flower :)

I tried it a few more times using different fabrics. It was definitely difficult to decide which one to make into a ring.

And the winner is....

This is our attempt to take a picture of both our rings...thanks to her hubby Will for stepping in to help us with the picture.

This was certainly an easy craft and very cheap! The only thing I had to purchase was the ring, which was 40% off at Hobby Lobby this week (bonus!). I am pretty sure I will be finding other uses for the fabric flower embellishment!

Here are some other random pictures from my week! Gluten free pizza (yummy!), my first visit to the recycling center, and more presents...I am a lucky girl!
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

I heart weekends!

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Wow, what a weekend! I love my weekends! Especially this weekend....beautiful weather, great company, and finishing projects...I love it! I am also working on learning new things to spruce up my you like my collage? It is from my weekend hike with pal Rachel at Oak Mountain State Park. The weather was perfect, not too hot and overcast. Very unseasonable for February and I sure did try to get outdoors to enjoy the warmth. It was my first visit to Oak Mountain (crazy, I know...I have lived here for almost 4 years) and we had a little struggle finding the trails. After walking in a circle (darn, yellow trail!) and deciding to eat our picnic lunch, we finally found the green trail to make our way to Peavine Falls. I can't wait to go back out to the park when the trees are green and things are blooming!

And yes, these are different flowers from an earlier post this week. I received some additional Valentine's love on Friday when this second bouquet came. I was totally shocked! I have the best sister in law in the world to think of me and send me more when the first delivery went sour (booo fed ex!). It was definitely perfect timing because my week was pretty intense. I love unexpected moments like this! I have enjoyed them all weekend, and will continue to enjoy them next week too! Apparently Starbucks felt the need to get into the business of double surprises as well because in my mail on Friday was a second birthday free drink coupon! I will happily celebrate my birthday (again!) with them one morning this week :)

And I finally finished a night shirt that I started on the snow day back in January. This project has just been hanging on my chair for over a month begging to be completed. I forced myself to finish it because I need to switch out my bobbin on my sewing machine and hate to be so
close to finishing and not do it! It was super easy and my first real attempt at sewing with my new machine (I got it for Christmas). The instructions are from the website Sew Mama Sew. This is a great site with fabric, tutorials, and other super cute stuff. This project is called the Super Simple Nightie. I kind of ran into a little trouble since I chose stripes so mine is a little shorter than they suggest. Of course my sewing lines aren't very straight and it's a little big, but it's for sleeping so I think it's perfect!

Sweet dreams!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gluten Free Comfort Food

Just a quick Valentine's update... these are the beautiful Valentine's flowers I got today! Receiving flowers is one of my favorite things so even though fed ex (grrr....) delivered them a day late and with a broken vase (!!!!), they have happily found a home on my desk. It's days like this that I need flowers to make me smile! Plus, my valentine got their money back because of the hassle, so bonus for them too!! :)

After an extremely long day and missing my voice, which was suddenly gone when I woke up, I decided that I needed some comfort food!

My go to is always peanut butter and honey (duh!). Unfortunately, I am out of bread and didn't want
to wait the 5 hours for it to bake. So I searched around and found some Gluten Free Bisquick mix in my kitchen. On the back of the box was a recipe for gf biscuits so I thought I would give it a try. I did have to make one substitution of using butter because I am out of shortening.

They were extremely easy to make with very few ingredients, and in only 15 minutes, they were ready! The taste was a little bland but I wonder if the shortening would have made them a little tastier. Certainly something to pick up for next time. I will definitely try them again because
of the ease and quickness of enjoy time. Maybe next time I will try the pancake recipe!

Of course, half the deliciousness of a biscuit is what you put on it!

mmmm...... yummy!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Until next year!

I have to start this out by saying that 31 isn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be, well thus far. And I have officially survived week I'm feeling pretty good about this! Also, this first week of 31 has been ah-mazing...I have pretty high expectations for the next 51 weeks but looking at my packed out calendar, I think there's a good chance this year is going to be better than 30! Just today, I purchased tickets to James Taylor's concert in May. I have a vacation planned in the next month (thank goodness!). I am thinking about a possible trip to Hawaii this summer. Things are looking pretty good...

I know I shared a little how the first part of my birthday week was spent. But the culmination of the birthday week was last night (and let me preface this by saying I have unbelievable friends!)

While most of the night (and pictures) shall remain confidential
(the theme was making thirty one a dirty one), I will say there was dancing, singing, serenading, laughing, and of course gluten free brownies! As you can see, we had a great night! I am so lucky to have such a great group of friends in my life!

One takeaway from the night to share... if you find yourself out at a karaoke spot one night, here are the top 3 (voted on by myself, my pal rachel, and hubbs will) songs that will automatically get full room participation:

1. Any NSYNC song- for example - Bye, Bye, Bye (complete with hand motions from the crowd)
2. Total Eclipse of the Heart (this one shut down the night)
3. Sweet Caroline (my personal fav and choice to perform!)

Anyone else have a favorite?

Also, I have got to give props to the couple who were the masterminds behind this night! They are two of my favorite people and I am convinced that they complete me... I mean really, this is love!

pal Rachel and hubbs Will
making thirty one a dirty one!

All you need is love...

Valentine's Day... love... flowers... candy... romance...

To be honest, I can't remember the last time I had a boyfriend on Valentine's Day (probably high school...). Usually, I dread this day. But I realized recently that I can define what Valentine's Day means and I can choose how to view it (doesn't that sound very counselor-y of me to say?!). And while I don't have anyone special in my life, I feel incredibly loved and supported by my family and friends. For example, my friends put on an amazing display of love this weekend as the birthday celebration week came to an end. I am so grateful to the people who came out to celebrate me, the ones who planned it, and the ones who stayed strong all night long. For the ones who take the time to let me know how important I am to them. And the friend that patiently teaches me a new craft as I struggle, shake, and sometimes cuss along the way. And the people who call, text, and email me to cheer me up and check on me when times are tough. Are you kidding, roses and candy have nothing on that!

Today I have been surrounded by love and have purposely done things that I love. I hope to continue this trend well beyond Valentine's Day, but you know sometimes we need days like this to help us remember how to live. This is what I loved today....

I love that...
I walked to the grocery store yesterday and to the library today
I rented 3 movies for free that I have been dying to see!
I took a walk with a friend who constantly reaches out in love to others and helps me strive to do the same
I happened upon free ice cream and it was multi-colored :)
I spent the evening with some of my favorite people
I got a valentine from a dear and extremely thoughtful friend
I created (this process is always questionable) a 3 cheese sauce for my pasta for dinner and it was yummy!
I have hope....

This could go on and on...

* a little disclaimer about me...I am not always this I must be honest and admit there was ONE thing that stood out to me that I did NOT love today.... fed ex did not deliver my Valentine surprise from my nephews. Of course, this just means that I already know of something I can love about tomorrow!

Share the love! What made/makes your day so love-ly??

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A gluten free birthday

This week I continued my birthday celebrations... I have enjoyed coffee, super bowl gatherings, margaritas, cupcakes, some great music and the fun isn't over yet!

This is the wonderfully snowy view outside my window...ok I might have made up with Jack Frost after this dusting...lovely fluffy soft snow!

Ahhhh....Joshua Radin...enough said!

Shana and I waiting for Joshua Radin!

Yummy cupcakes from my co-workers

Girls birthday dinner!

This year also marks my first venture into homemade gluten free cupcakes. I am a huge fan of cooking and baking. Sometimes the results are a little questionable...but these were amazing! I found the recipe on the Today Show website. I took them to my Super Bowl gathering and even gluten eaters gobbled them up! So if you know anyone who eats gluten free, share this with them and they will love you forever!

Gluten Free Red Velvet Cupcakes
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 Large eggs, room temperature
2 1/2 cups gluten free flour blend (I use Jules Gluten Free Flour, available here)
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons red food coloring
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Stir together dry ingredients (flour, cocoa, baking soda, salt). Mix together wet ingredients (milk, vinegar, food coloring, vanilla). Add creamed butter and sugar, mix in eggs. Alternately mix in dry, wet, then dry ingredients. Fill 1 dozen (although mine made 18) cupcake cups and bake for 18-22 minutes or until tops are just dry on top.

Cream cheese frosting
8 oz cream cheese, softened
1 stick (4 oz) of butter, softened
3 3/4 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Mix cream cheese and butter. Add salt and vanilla. Slowly add in powdered sugar. I also added milk as needed to thin frosting. Warning: This makes a ton of frosting!

Monday, February 7, 2011

A little Monday inspiration

Monday has never been my favorite day. Now, I know that is nothing original and you are probably thinking "yeah, me too". We all have had "a case of the Mondays" every once in a while. Well today, I'm feeling it... especially after a great weekend of spending time with family and friends. So today I thought I would share a few quotes to maybe give a little jump start to the week.

I found these little quotes in a store a few months ago. I'm not really sure what to do with them, but I love what they say.

*If we are to reach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children -Gandhi

* Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside awakes. -Carl Jung

*I want to unfold.
I don't want to stay folded anywhere, because where I am folded, there I am a lie.
And I want my grasp of things true before you.
I want to describe myself like a painting that I looked at closely for a long time,
like a saying that I finally understood,
like the pitcher I use every day,
like the face of my mother,
like a ship that took me safely through the wildest storm of all.
- Rainer Maria Rilke

And my favorite (which found it's home on the back of my door, so I see it every day)

As I read over these, I am reminded how much more I want to learn, grow, and become. This begins by getting up, getting out, and being in this world. So Monday, I am ready for you! Bring it!

PLEASE free to leave your own favorite words of inspiration in the comments! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Let the birthday celebrations begin...well, almost!

Tonight was supposed to be the first of my many birthday celebrations with friends. Unfortunately due to the unfavorable snow storm this afternoon, it was cancelled. While I might have enjoyed a little magical snow fall today, this winter has clearly overstayed it's welcome. It was nice in the beginning of the year to have the temperature drop and wait in anticipation to see if it would snow. Clearly that joy and childlike wonder disappeared as it took an hour and 20minutes to travel the 5 miles home from work today. Truth be told, I was kind of sick of it on the night of the national championship when the snow/ice wintery mix caused a power outage during the last 16 seconds of the once in a lifetime (I'm not kidding myself to think it will happen again) game. Or every time my pipes freeze and I call the maintenance men (we are on a first name basis). So needless to say, my frustration with winter '11 continues as the icy rain falls outside of my window.

Good news....this weather may stop celebrations but it cannot stop my birthday from coming! One of my favorite things is getting stuff in the mail, especially around my birthday. And while I may question if my friends remember my birthday, Gap, Anthropologie, Starbucks, my dermatologist, and Vera Bradley certainly have not! Take a look at the birthday loot they have sent! Looks like I have some free stuff and good deals to check out! Oh and the card is from my apartment complex.

I did have one sweet friend who sent me a gift via the UPS man. I love her,
not because she got me a gift, but because she is the BIGGEST Alabama fan I know and it was probably very painful to purchase this little sweet coffee cup.
So this gift is straight from the heart and I LOVE IT! War Eagle!

Of course, my birthday isn't until Sunday so there will be plenty of birthday fun to be had, despite Jack Frost's best efforts! It's always nice to start celebrating early and often!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Knit night!

Tonight was knit night and I love knit night! It involves crafting, coffee, and great conversation...aka my favorite things! This week we had two mother/daughter sets in our group. While my mom and I both knit, we very rarely do it together. Mom, shall I say, is quite a bit advanced compared with my skills. While I learned to knit about 7 years ago, I am still working on scarves and more recently advanced to hats.

Tonight was even more exciting because I finished my scarf! Not just any scarf...but one that I have been working on for over a year and a half. It is even more special because I bought the yarn during my amazing trip to Italy. So now I have my orange (love!) Italian wool scarf! I am so excited that the weather is going to turn cold again this week!

My lovely Italian scarf!
(please disregard my 'it's been a nasty rainy day' hair)

Heath (our lone boy knitter, we love!) & Rhiannon (the yarn whisperer & fearless leader)

My sweet friend Amy & I (with lovely Italian knit scarf)

Martha's sock (she was making sure it fit!)

The Knitting Group

Yummy carrot cake cupcakes (made with love by sweet!)

I am so thankful for Tuesdays and knit night! Oh and I love blogs with rest assured, if I can find a picture for my posts, I will have them!