Peanut Butter and Honey

what i love about life!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

my first blog award


Yea! Pal Rachel passed on the Versatile Blogger award to me this week! Rachel and I have been friends since undergrad and have frequent craft nights (I talk about her a lot in my blog). She got married last summer and asked me to coordinate the wedding...this is when I thought our friendship would end. But the wedding went off without a hitch and we are still friends (phew...huge sigh of relief when that night was over!)! Crazy enough, we both traveled down the same career path despite being apart for half of undergrad and graduate school. We have some great memories and I honestly think there are days I wouldn't survive without her! She is that friend that shows up at your house with a bottle of wine after a bad day, a break up, or just because she has a bottle of wine to share! Check out her blog falling from trees.

So now that you all know how amazing she is and have read her blog...back to the award...

The task is to list 7 interesting facts about myself

1. I love nicknames. I try to give them to all the people that I really love and care about. Although, I have yet to be given a nickname by someone else that I really like.

2. I hate the word lovely. To me, it's like describing someone as having a good personality (ie..ugly or fat)... gosh, that's just lovely! Really, can't come up with a different adjective?!

3. I knit and sew because I watched my mom and aunts do it when I was a kid. Knitting and sewing just remind me of my childhood and that makes my heart smile.

4. I eat gluten free. Although if you really know me, then you know this!

5. I wake up very early most mornings to watch tv shows on and go for a run. I can't confess how early because you would think I am crazy....

6. I have never had a cavity (dentist appointment next month...hopefully I am not jinxing myself).

7. I give up sweets almost every year for Lent. I would kill for a bag of jelly beans or gummy worms right now!

So now to pass this award onto my fellow bloggers... check them out too!
Christy @ crazycanadys
i love her what i love wendesdays posts!
Hollie & Janie @ lifewithjanie
janie blogs everything in her doggy point of view!

1 comment:

  1. ah thanks Claire. I call you Claire bell. i am guessing you don't particularly like that nickname.
