Peanut Butter and Honey

what i love about life!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby gifts

I have a super sweet pregnant friend, Katie, who is having a baby shower this weekend. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend. So I spent some special time with her and gave her my handmade gift for baby Frances (she is baby Frances because I have a friend named Frances- remember the cupcake pin cushion). Baby Frances is already a rockstar in my book because she has amazing parents. I knew her present had to be special. It was my first attempt at baby gifts so I started out slow. But I already have a sweet idea for my "welcome to the world Frances" gift (this is not a normal thing I do, but like I said her parents are some of my favorite people so she totally deserves it)!

Back to the projects.... I wanted to make something for baby Frances that would match her nursery. So I conspired with the husband to figure out the fabric being used in the nursery and made a little stuffed elephant. I started this project on sew-turday back in February. It probably could have been completed in one afternoon but I chose to take several weeks :) The pattern came from the book One Yard Wonders.
The beginnings of the elephant

The pattern has really great instructions until you start to put on the head. I had to hand stitch it to the neck, which was an adventure in itself.

Ta Da!!! no wait, there is something missing

EARS! Isn't it sweet?!
I made sure to make the eyes out of embroidery floss because I fully expect baby Frances to love on this elephant!

I also played around with making bibs. They were super easy and took less than 30 minutes, plus I used some scraps from a different project! I followed this tutorial, which I highly recommend!

I didn't really measure my fabric before I sewed it together. After sewing, fold your new block in half with right sides together.

This is the easy part... you literally trace around a bib you have, sew along the trace line (be careful to leave an opening so you can turn it, and THEN cut.

Cut and snip the curves. Turn right side out and top stitch all the way around. This also closes up the space you left open to turn the bib right side out.

Then just add a snap or velcro and you are finished!
Check out the tutorial before you get started... she did a much better job walking you through this project than I did :)

I can't wait to meet baby Frances...but she has a little more time in the oven before I can love on her!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I love all the crafts that you are doing. I dream of doing more crafts - I'm just kind of scared of the sewing machine!

    Frances is in our top two list of baby girl names for when we get preggers. I LOVE the name!
