Peanut Butter and Honey

what i love about life!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Knit night!

Tonight was knit night and I love knit night! It involves crafting, coffee, and great conversation...aka my favorite things! This week we had two mother/daughter sets in our group. While my mom and I both knit, we very rarely do it together. Mom, shall I say, is quite a bit advanced compared with my skills. While I learned to knit about 7 years ago, I am still working on scarves and more recently advanced to hats.

Tonight was even more exciting because I finished my scarf! Not just any scarf...but one that I have been working on for over a year and a half. It is even more special because I bought the yarn during my amazing trip to Italy. So now I have my orange (love!) Italian wool scarf! I am so excited that the weather is going to turn cold again this week!

My lovely Italian scarf!
(please disregard my 'it's been a nasty rainy day' hair)

Heath (our lone boy knitter, we love!) & Rhiannon (the yarn whisperer & fearless leader)

My sweet friend Amy & I (with lovely Italian knit scarf)

Martha's sock (she was making sure it fit!)

The Knitting Group

Yummy carrot cake cupcakes (made with love by sweet!)

I am so thankful for Tuesdays and knit night! Oh and I love blogs with rest assured, if I can find a picture for my posts, I will have them!